I live in central London in the heart of the city. I love its vibrancy, the constantly changing vibe and aesthetics. One minute there will be a derelict warehouse on the street, and the next minute fabulous buildings, full of life, art and culture. The constant state of flux is a huge excitement to me and every time I step foot outside I notice the changes, the excitement of London’s energy and it makes me feel alive.
I share my life with my friends and Labrador. It’s an eclectic life that includes everything from visiting Art galleries and restaurants to playing Tennis, Mountain Hiking, and Canoeing, yes all with my dog! I love the Outdoors in equal measure, which makes living in the city quite tricky to navigate as I need to get away often in order to feel whole. We get out of London frequently, hiking with my dog in Snowdonia, The Lake District and Scotland. We go as often as we can, but nowhere near as much as we would like!
When I am not outdoors or with friends I am working. I really love it, probably too much! I am a Managing Director of a Commercial Furniture Consultancy. I ran my own business for 17 years and sold out 3 years ago. I missed it terribly and also regretted selling, I tried different things and have now decided to go back to what I love. Menopause and Covid had a major effect on my physical health and decision making process, I made some terrible decisions! I wasn’t thinking clearly, and felt utterly awful and confused for about 4 years. Had I realised what was happening I think I would have behaved differently or at least ensured I was better informed to make different decisions.
I am now through the other side and feel like I did 12 years ago! So much so that I am embarking on a major career move. Just when people say you should be slowing down, I am ramping up, seizing life and making the most of every opportunity that comes my way. There really is life after 55!