Right then! Bye-bye Dry January, that was easy, wasn’t it?!
I have never wanted to give up drinking so much after enjoying at least one shared bottle of Barolo a day every day of December 2024. Delicious and especially with platefuls of chunks of Parmesan and cashew nuts. But lethal in every way—especially for someone who doesn’t drink regularly.
Red wine is awesome but makes me sleepy, it’s perfect in front of the fire with my dog and my lover and a movie. We can fall asleep and wake up again all evening long into the early hours, and that one movie lasts for three nights. But waking up feeling dehydrated and woolly is not a great feeling.
What about how great you feel in the mornings now? Yes! That feeling again, bright-eyed and bouncing out of bed, ready to take the day. Oooh! Welcome back Me!
My brain is fully firing again and I’m ready to make 2025 different, purpose-filled, better!
What are you thinking about? What are you reading? Watching this month? Even eating and drinking? Shall we do everything with intention and not just be mindless or methodical or in a routine without passion? Even if you are like Beckham and eat the same things daily, do it and remember why and smell it and ogle it and enjoy it as if it is something new each day!
We can achieve some of our dreams this year, just need to go for it with a bit of energy and focus and not be distracted by things designed to distract us from doing it! There is a vibration in all of us, a sequence of notes and harmonies and tones wanting to connect and vibrate and harmonise with other things and people on our wavelengths. These resonate and propel us towards the right things and away from the wrong ones once we learn how to hear and connect and tune in properly.
But it is hard when there is so much noise competing for our attention. But take time each morning to decide to focus and program your mind to the focus you want for the day and stick to it!
You will be surprised! Yes, you may miss some gossip, some junk mail or nonsense articles or yet another five fashion tips contradicting each other about what you should or should not be wearing! What if you just wear what you love and like and what suits YOU (that is why you bought it after all). Honestly, it is not bad at all, all of that and it can be endlessly entertaining but it’s distracting you from what you can be doing instead.
Whatever has our attention has our actions. I mean by that—what we see and are seeing will affect our actions in day-to-day life. So we need to guard our viewing and our influences, if you keep watching pizza adverts eventually you will start to want and crave one and order a pizza!
So what if you only allowed yourself to view the notes of the book idea in your head? Or the sketches of the design you made or the scribbled lyrics to that song you want to write or the book that you have been carrying around but never find time to read?! It seems simple, but what we focus on is what we become.
If you are sick, focus on healing and getting better, find out the remedies and practices that can help you recover and get them and do them and take them diligently.
Change can be so painful. I know as I am going through changes myself. Friendships, relationships, life—they change and if you are honest with yourself there are a few things in your life that you need to change but have not been able to bear to. But eventually, changes will happen, whether you want to or not or whether you are ready or not.
Don’t fight change, change is good, sometimes it is whatever it is that is changing being refined, allow it and go with it, things will be better and more fitting after that improvement, update or new element has been added and outdated things let go of.
Successful change requires our hands, as in our actions and willingness. If we participate and embrace the changes we face with enthusiasm and positivity, we will benefit and improve as we grow to the next levels.
One of the things to move on from—people who hurt you repeatedly and let you down constantly and never keep their promises. Your attachment to them is like self-flagellation, you do not need them, you think you do, but they are the reason for a lot of the pain and confusion in your life even though you see them as a hero.
They are actually not even really your friend, YOU have really been their friend and there have been times that they have been there for you, but overall how authentic and pleasing is the friendship? Look at the constant disappointments and letdowns, the empty promises and many times they have broken your heart and left you alone to deal with their inability to be a decent and true friend.
It is time to really put YOU first. Not in a narcissistic crazy way, but in a healthy, mature, unapologetic, my life and I matter kind of way.
What do you need? What do you want? Who are your real friends? What is your plan for the next few weeks? Are you who you want to be? Are you appreciated and respected by your peers, siblings?
God allows us to be a part of the miracle, spend more time with God, less time with negative people. Change requires us to participate, not just spectate. It truly is your life and you must live it or it will just pass you by like time wasted. And then you wake up one day…..
What do you need? What do you want to do? When you wake up, decide each day what to focus on and do it regardless of what else is going on. You are your dream maker. Now be the dream achiever.
Let’s go ✋🏾💪🏾😘
Repose Space, is a luxury wellness company in the heart of High Street Kensington and was founded with a clear vision in mind. Repose Space sought to create a sanctuary where individuals could find solace, rejuvenation, and inner peace.
Sign-up to view moreDr Nima is the co-founder of Remedi. His wealth of knowledge and experience regarding all aspects of the human psyche has led him to pioneer what he calls his greatest passion project. He has spent years perfecting the art of medical aesthetics, maintaining and enhancing the beauty of his clients.
Sign-up to view moreLocated in Hertfordshire, Skin to Love was born from a desire to offer non-surgical treatments that are at the forefront of technology whilst offering you a personalised and caring service.
Sign-up to view moreyue float is a wellness centre offering relaxing and restorative treatments. Established in 2018, the centre offers float therapy, full spectrum infrared sauna with red light, ajna meditation light, zero gravity chair massage, deep tissue sports massage and emotional release bodywork.
Sign-up to view moreSin’s Angels was initially created for Sinitta’s most cherished friends, who liked it so much they wanted her to go public and invite all women to share and join in. Our stories and experience and yours held together in this magical community to inspire and champion each other in power, sensuality, business, love and fun. Place for us to open up and share everything we were never told and need to know about the next phases of life - this is being a grown ass woman at last!
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